Its been an intense week,
To sum up before I ramble: Get proximity. Find your crowd. The value of this itself cannot be understated.
Key takeaways: Skool.com is in its infancy and is sure to become a behemoth of online learning, communities & even more likely (though in its current state it is crude) it is set to be the evolution of social media. Not defiled by advertisers, and supported by great minds in every niche imaginable.
Long gone are the sporadic, volatile days of social media that we once knew, created by your mate filming something cool, chocolate rain, a funny cute panda or star wars guy swinging a light saber on camera in his mums basement. Fun that draws eyes has now been destroyed by advertising. This has created the need for new spaces for people to exist online.
After a recent analysis of a streamer and multimillionaire, Jack Doherty, it seems clear that the product of social media is no longer sustainable or realistic. What a vacuous reality we live in where a 21 year old is looking at his Kick chat whilst driving a 3.8 litre Mclaren, potentially killing people - for views. With no care for his bleeding friend, in lew of capturing the moment for clout.
They say reality is stranger than fiction.
Its not that internet culture doesn't exist anymore, its just that it sucks - perhaps pessimistic, but the value proposition is shifting. People are seeking places away from the noise, no matter what age.
I will note that I am no longer 14 so in some ways i am blind but heres my take: Concentrated ideas, visions of progress, communities with shared goals, pains and conquests. Skool.com is set (if not already) to be this place that facilitates this shift.
Does that mean that other community spaces wont challenge them? no. But personally I believe in Sam Ovens. - and to go a step further Alex Hormozi getting involved should speak volumes about the actual mechanics and finances of the business.
Afterall, we are all here to make money aren't we? or at least until the robots do everything, of which to be honest, it will be those in control of the robots making money.
A prediction: I think the majority will become slaves to maintaining the needs and infrastructure of the intelligence explosion. It would be prudent to fall on the right side of that one I think, and whoever has won the hierarchy of the previous epoch will be well set to dominate.
I digress:
The next wave is here. Online Business built on fears and desires, just like in the real world. A new form of business, facilitated by the ground work and foundation created by Sam Ovens. Crowd sourced business, a brilliant shift from guru culture.
Ted Carr:
To see him in the flesh, to understand his motivations and vibe was an important experience. Mild mannered, inviting, calm and measured. A true professional, who himself is still developing - I am intrigued to see where he takes Contentprenuers and how the dream manifests. A modern monk exploring life in ways I envy, yet it is not for me.
Matthew Thompson:
A great orator, jolly irishman and all around gent. Definitely a skillset I admire and hope to replicate. Quite an inspiration to witness. He too I can see is really starting to move on his journey of which I think the length and breadth will be massive.
More profoundly, once in a christian worship group I was called out by the pastor, Antonio. He received a message from God saying someone in this room has issues with his father, and that God will be there for that person.
At the time this made a dent in my psyche, being ever logical - I remained open. As if to mirror that experience, Matthew - indirectly called out to the room, this time in a business setting, that he was sensing something not too indifferent from the room - people with blocks, un-resolved pain, a hurdle to success.
Multiple people resonated and confirmed his feelings, except from me. I guess, I wasn't being honest in the moment, or at least not looking deep enough.
Heres the lesson: no matter how much you may feel you have overcome in the present. Look deeper, for me, not ever having a relationship with my father has already coloured my life. But the takeaway is that to become who I want to be - I must face this pain, so as I write this in a Belfast Starbucks, I am waiting for a call from my Dad, who I haven't spoken to for at least 18 years.
Think deep, make sure you are not hiding anything. If you are, you know what to do.
Whats Next?
Hold on let me take this call...